Prairie Restoration
Instructor: Michael Fallon
Description: With this course, students actively participate in the ecological reconstruction of a prairie on the UI campus.
Frequency at the Prairie: All class periods

Entomology Lab
Instructor: Andrew Forbes
Description: Introduction to insect biology. Students visit the prairie one or more times during the semester to make insect collections, with some students conducting independent projects on site.
Frequency at the Prairie: Variable; at least one 3-hour lab period

Field Ecology
Instructor: Neil Bernstein
Description: Analysis and interpretation of patterns and underlying physical and biotic basis for regional and local distributions of plants and animals of eastern Iowa.
Frequency at the Prairie: At least 1 class period

Sedimentary Geology
Instructor: Emily Finzel
Description: Basic concepts of sedimentology, stratigraphy, depositional environments, sedimentary petrology. Offered fall semesters.
Frequency at the Prairie: Variable; at least one 3-hour lab period

Applied Environmental Geology
Instructor: Benjamin Swanson
Description: Application of geology, water, and earth processes to civil and environmental engineering practice. Students visit the site 5 times and use the data in several assignments.
Frequency at the Prairie: 5 class periods

Instructor: Jessica Meyer
Description: Foundational concepts of physical hydrogeology. Students practice quantitatively evaluating groundwater flow problems through regular problem sets and hands-on labs.
Frequency at the Prairie: at least five 3-hour lab periods

Course name
Frequency at the Prairie:

Course name
Frequency at the Prairie:

Course name
Frequency at the Prairie: